
I havent bought myself a journal yet… too bad… there are so much to write. from the moment i hailed a cab to go the airport, conversation with the driver, then the experience in the airport, then in Singapore, then when i arrived, to this day that i finally saw him. It wasn’t so emotional as i thought it would be. it was like as if that we just haven’t seen each other for weeks… well, my vacation is so far so good… ill write when i have time…so much going on in my head right now…

i’ll buy myself a journal


         After several months of mulling over, stress and anxiety; I finally came up with a decision. My leave will start a couple of days from now. A month away from this place… my goodness, I can’t wait! I just hope this vacation is worth all the fuss. I just hope my greatest fear of becoming restless when I come back here won’t happen. I just hope I can handle homesick better than the first time. I just hope that this short-time fun won’t affect my long-term plans…because that was the primary factor that made me so hesitant about going home. I was (still am) afraid that my stay would be prolonged and my plans would be derailed because I needed to priorities other things first…  There’s a little budget-adjustment needed to be done that’s why… hihi… (because in my country, you don’t go home empty-handed when you’ve been gone for quite some time). I just hope I can do the things I’ve wanting to do…get to see the people I missed… hug them…talk to them…spend time with them, try to make up for the lost time. I just hope I wouldn’t get so brokenhearted with disappointment in what I go home to. Being outside of my country gave me wider view of the world in literal and figurative sense. With all the alarming bad news that I’ve been reading from back home, it’s disheartening to see your countrymen remain lax and apathetic in spite of what’s going on. Goodness, I can’t wait to write about my every experience from this vacation. Maybe, I’ll be busy having fun but I’ll keep a journal with me. That is what the first I’m going to do—buy myself a journal.